Acupuncture is a system of care designed to stimulate the body’s natural healing powers both to maintain health and to address specific conditions. A treatment method in practice for thousands of years, acupuncture eventually became part of a comprehensive natural health method known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM views the human body as an energetic whole rather than a combination of isolated body parts. Restoring balance throughout the whole person and thus attaining a state of optimal health is the goal of TCM. In TCM, energy (Qi) is believed to circulate throughout the body along 14 energy pathways or meridians. Points on the skin along these pathways are connected to specific organs, body structures, and systems. These energy pathways can be blocked or disrupted, resulting in negative health outcomes.
Acupuncture is a system of care designed to stimulate the body’s natural healing powers both to maintain health and to address specific conditions. A treatment method in practice for thousands of years, acupuncture eventually became part of a comprehensive natural health method known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM views the human body as an energetic whole rather than a combination of isolated body parts. Restoring balance throughout the whole person and thus attaining a state of optimal health is the goal of TCM. In TCM, energy (Qi) is believed to circulate throughout the body along 14 energy pathways or meridians. Points on the skin along these pathways are connected to specific organs, body structures, and systems. These energy pathways can be blocked or disrupted, resulting in negative health outcomes.
Acupuncture optimizes the flow of energy, oxygen, blood, and vital nutrients in the body by gently inserting hair-thin sterile needles into specific acupuncture points. Scientific research has demonstrated that stimulating specific acupuncture points engages receptors in the brain that release hormones and natural neuro-chemicals and help reduce pain, regulate the endocrine system, calm the nervous system, regulate serotonin levels, stimulate the immune system and regulate the hearth’s rhythm. As a result of these newly understood factors along with research studies showing the safety and efficacy of acupuncture, this modality is increasing used to treat variety of conditions.
Acupuncture is a system of care designed to stimulate the body’s natural healing powers both to maintain health and to address specific conditions. A treatment method in practice for thousands of years, acupuncture eventually became part of a comprehensive natural health method known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM views the human body as an energetic whole rather than a combination of isolated body parts. Restoring balance throughout the whole person and thus attaining a state of optimal health is the goal of TCM. In TCM, energy (Qi) is believed to circulate throughout the body along 14 energy pathways or meridians. Points on the skin along these pathways are connected to specific organs, body structures, and systems. These energy pathways can be blocked or disrupted, resulting in negative health outcomes.
Acupuncture optimizes the flow of energy, oxygen, blood, and vital nutrients in the body by gently inserting hair-thin sterile needles into specific acupuncture points. Scientific research has demonstrated that stimulating specific acupuncture points engages receptors in the brain that release hormones and natural neuro-chemicals and help reduce pain, regulate the endocrine system, calm the nervous system, regulate serotonin levels, stimulate the immune system and regulate the hearth’s rhythm. As a result of these newly understood factors along with research studies showing the safety and efficacy of acupuncture, this modality is increasing used to treat variety of conditions.
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