A mild electric current is connected between the needles during treatment to apply more stimulation than regular acupuncture. Electro-acupuncture has been effective for treating acute and chronic pain, neurological disorders, paralysis, and spasms. It promotes blood flow and releases tension and pain.
A mild electric current is connected between the needles during treatment to apply more stimulation than regular acupuncture. Electro-acupuncture has been effective for treating acute and chronic pain, neurological disorders, paralysis, and spasms. It promotes blood flow and releases tension and pain.
A mild electric current is connected between the needles during treatment to apply more stimulation than regular acupuncture. Electro-acupuncture has been effective for treating acute and chronic pain, neurological disorders, paralysis, and spasms. It promotes blood flow and releases tension and pain.
Auricular acupuncture regards the ear as a "microsystem" comprised of acupuncture points that coordinate to every part of the body. Ear acupuncture is an alternative medicine treatment in which specific points on the ear are stimulated in order to promote healing in other areas of the body.
Auricular acupuncture regards the ear as a "microsystem" comprised of acupuncture points that coordinate to every part of the body. Ear acupuncture is an alternative medicine treatment in which specific points on the ear are stimulated in order to promote healing in other areas of the body.
Guasha is a therapeutic method for pain management using a smooth edged tool to scrape or rub the surface of the body to increase local microcirculation and reduce pain, release muscular tension, and relieve knots and adhesions
Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which cups are placed on the skin and negative pressure is created to provide suction. The suction creates space in the fascia so that blood, oxygen, and nutrients can get into the area to facilitate a healing process. Cupping helps reduce pain and tension, decrease inflammation, increase blood flow, and promote well-being.
Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which cups are placed on the skin and negative pressure is created to provide suction. The suction creates space in the fascia so that blood, oxygen, and nutrients can get into the area to facilitate a healing process. Cupping helps reduce pain and tension, decrease inflammation, increase blood flow, and promote well-being.
Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine is a healing approach that originated in China thousands of years ago. Chinese herbal medicines are mainly plant based. Different herbs have different properties and can balance particular parts of the body. We take into account the state of the patient’s constitution and prescribe an herbal formula that fits you and your condition best.
Guasha is a therapeutic method for pain management using a smooth edged tool to scrape or rub the surface of the body to increase local microcirculation and reduce pain, release muscular tension, and relieve knots and adhesions.
Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which cups are placed on the skin and negative pressure is created to provide suction. The suction creates space in the fascia so that blood, oxygen, and nutrients can get into the area to facilitate a healing process. Cupping helps reduce pain and tension, decrease inflammation, increase blood flow, and promote well-being.
Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine is a healing approach that originated in China thousands of years ago. Chinese herbal medicines are mainly plant based. Different herbs have different properties and can balance particular parts of the body. We take into account the state of the patient’s constitution and prescribe an herbal formula that fits you and your condition best.
Guasha is a therapeutic method for pain management using a smooth edged tool to scrape or rub the surface of the body to increase local microcirculation and reduce pain, release muscular tension, and relieve knots and adhesions.
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